$ 0 0 そっちがそうなら、こっちはこう! 迷惑駐車に鉄拳を! そこに停めんじゃねぇ! Don’t you take my parking spot from r/ANormalDayInRussia 駐車違反撲滅隊の朝は早い Revenge of the garbage men from r/funny ショッピングカート無双 How Costco deals with major idiot from r/pics ガチャン、ガチャン! So apparently if you park like an asshole in Atlanta, your car gets a boot for every parking space you take up from r/pics 八方塞がり This is why you don’t park like an idiot from r/pics 誰かを怒らせたに違いない Must’ve made someone mad from r/WTF 必殺雪まみれ Some asshole took my spot after I shoveled 3 spaces for my neighbors and I in subzero temps.. Sucks to suck! from r/funny 消火栓の近くには停めてはいけないという教訓(ホース通りまーす) Parking next to a fire hydrant from r/Whatcouldgowrong